The incu-six story!
Yup here's the part where I tell you about Incu-six! Well we are a group of 6 passionate incubus fans who all have our own site dedicated to a certin person in incubus! I bet your thinking that you know that incubus only are five guys. But did you really forget about chuck?!? I know you didn't!
Incu-six is:
Pointykitty: It's so great to have you with us! And you sure know how to take care of Joses latin fire! Bunny: Has a really great/spiffy site and IS a mini-mike! Antisoshell: Whoa girl, She takes care of ALL those damn teeniebopper and keeps things clean! Aisling: You really know how to handle our lovely DJ Kilmore! Pharoahson: The elderstatesman,dude, You ARE Chuck! Swedish Meatball (me): Everybody loves Dirk!!
Ask me anything and I'll answer it as fast as I can!
e-mail me!
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